Thursday, January 13, 2011

The assignmnent that will be due next Friday, Jan. 21st, is:
* chapter 2 (pp58-60) #44,46-49,54,56,66,77
* chapter 3 (pp96-98) #58-61, 63, 64, 66, 70, 72, 73, 98
* These 8 problems:
1. 35 sq cm = ___________ sq dam
2. 850 cubic m = ___________ cubic cm
3. 34 L = _____________ cubic cm
4. 4.8 x 10^18 cubic micrometers = __________ mL
5. 34 000 cL of water (4 deg) = ______ kg of water (4 deg)
6. 15 000 000 pm = _________ hm
7. 154 K = _________ deg C
8. -25 deg C = ______________ K
* Problems 3-4 on the worksheet handed out in class today.

Get started early! More will be on the way. YODA SAYS: "Too large, chemsitry assignments are, to save for the night before they are due."

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